LIFE IS SALACA experts share their knowledge on the radio programme


How are the Salaca and other Latvian rivers doing? Are we a “green country”? How is Estonia doing better in river management? What will we do in the LIFE IS SALACA project?


On 7 December this year, LIFE IS SALACA Lead Habitat Expert Linda Uzule and Lead Water Expert Jolanta Jēkabsone took part in the Radio NABA programme “Weed. Environment in people and people in the environment”, presenting Latvia’s river network, river quality and major impacts, as well as giving an insight into LIFE IS SALACA project activities.


With 12 500 rivers in count and a total length equivalent to the length of the equator, Latvia has densest and longest river network in Baltic States. However, only about a third of our waters are of good or high quality. The main problems are some 1 500 dams, straightening of rivers and excessive eutrophication.


The Salaca is one of the most important salmon rivers in the Baltics. The Salaca and its tributaries are currently the focus of the LIFE IS SALACA project. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of the rivers in the Salaca sub-basin and preserve their value in the long term. To achieve this, the project will implement practical management measures and develop planning documents, as well as transfer knowledge and good practice to the public and experts. The project duration is 5 years, and it is expected to end on 30 September 2028. Five partners are brought together to pursue common objectives.


One of the objectives and guiding principles of the project is the harmonization of the Water Framework Directive and the Habitats Directive – the development of a new approach to freshwater management combining the requirements of both Directives. In essence, this means developing a new, more efficient monitoring network and methodology. The approval of the project is a vote of confidence from the European Commission in the relevance of this topic. We will be the first in the Nordic countries to implement this management approach.


This summer, extensive surveys were carried out on nine rivers covering 103 km. Every meter was paddled or walked, totaling several weeks on the rivers. This summer restoration of the Salaca’s rapids has started, cleaning them from overgrowth. In autumn, an assessment of the hydromorphological quality of the rivers was carried out and recommended management measures to improve the hydromorphological quality of the rivers were identified. Although the overall hydromorphological quality of the rivers in the surveyed part of the Salaca basin is good and high, this does not mean that no management measures are necessary. The Water Framework Directive, the Habitats Directive and Nature Restoration Law require that quality be improved where it is poor and not deteriorated where it is good, so that Latvia’s rivers can be a preserved for future generations. The fact that Salaca River is part of the Natura 2000 site “Salaca River valley” also imposes a significant responsibility. Salaca and its coastline are not only scenic but also biodiverse, making it an excellent pearl of nature in Northern Vidzeme.


Listen to the full programme Radio NABA programme: “Nezāle. Vide cilvēkā un cilvēks vidē”, 07.12.2024

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