Recommended management measures to improve river quality have been defined
Although the overall hydromorphological quality of the rivers in the surveyed part of the Salaca basin is good and high, this does not mean that no management measures are needed.…
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An initial assessment of the hydromorphological quality of rivers has been carried out
This summer the LIFE IS SALACA project carried out extensive studies in the Salaca River and its tributaries Korģe, Korģīte, Svētupe, Jaunupe, Glāžupe, Jogla, Iģe and Pužupe. The survey work…
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LIFE IS SALACA experts share their knowledge on the radio programme
How are the Salaca and other Latvian rivers doing? Are we a "green country"? How is Estonia doing better in river management? What will we do in the LIFE IS…
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LIFE IS SALACA habitat expert presents the natural values of the Salaca River and its coastline at the conference "Baltic Sea, Coast and Salaca in perpetual motion and change"
On 26 November this year, the Nature Conservation Agency's office in Salacgrīva hosted the conference "The Baltic Sea, the coast and the Salaca in perpetual motion and change", which gathered…
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Nordic-Baltic LIFE Platform project meeting
This year, the Nordic-Baltic LIFE Platform Project Meeting took place in Riga from 16 to 18 September, bringing together more than 100 participants from nearly 40 LIFE projects currently being…
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Project helps Salaca to retain its title as the salmon river of Latvia and the Baltics
On Friday, 6 September, nature experts, their cooperation partners and the Young Rangers of the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve from the Salacgrīva Secondary School gathered in Salacgrīva municipality near the…
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